Thursday, April 14, 2005


Men versus Old Boys

Mike Hussey is busy compiling a mountain of runs for Durham against Leicestershire. The first ton of the season has become the first double and, at the time of writing, he's still going.

Once again, the County season begins with tradition: the dominance of Australian overseas players more predictable than the rain.

Something else is worth noting: the Leicestershire opening attack. Phil 'Daffy' DeFreitas and Ottis Gibson played their last international matches 8 years ago and have a combined age of 75 (39 + 36). Elsewhere, Martin Bicknell is starting his 20th season for Surrey.

Hussey can't get near the Aussie squad, yet, alongside some other Aussies, he's one of the best bats on the English county circuit.

Here are the nation's best honing their skills against him. All slightly embarrassing don't you think?

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